Antoine Boesch


+41 22 319 11 11

Poncet Turrettini

8-10 rue de Hesse
Case postale 5715
CH-1211, Geneva 11


Antoine Boesch grew up in London where he attended the French Lycée. He went on to study law bilingually, French and German, at Fribourg University, Switzerland, with a specialisation certificate in European law.

He has been a member of the Geneva Bar since 2002 and is a partner with Poncet Turrettini, a leading full-service law firm. His current practice focuses on commercial, insurance, banking, transactions and regulations, escrow arrangements, estate planning and liquidation, advisory and contentious. Antoine has appeared before the European Court of Human Rights, and he has won four cases before the European Court of Justice.

As a long time musician and keen photographer – his work has been regularly exhibited – his practice has naturally extended to the world of art and cultural property, into a broad range of related transactions and litigation. Thus, for example, he has advised on the return to a UK institution of a historical clock, stolen and resurfacing in a prestigious Swiss collection; on litigation involving the seller and two competing buyers for the same major modern art sculpture, on display in a New York museum; on the prospective sale of a major Renaissance painting and related provenance issues; on the seizure of a dozen archaeological objects at the request of the Egyptian State; on the sale of an important collection of Persian rugs; and on litigation around the sale of a famous XVIIIc violin, and on authenticity claims following its  various repairs.

Antoine has contributed the Switzerland chapter for The Art Collecting Legal Handbook, 3rd edition, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023.

Aside from his three working languages, French, English and German, Antoine is conversant in Arabic – brushed up in the course of his frequent travels throughout the Arab world – and in Italian.